Sunday, July 27, 2008

Miss Van & Victor Castillo : CANTO NEGRO Y BRUJERIAS

Can I be in Berlin right now?! Merry Karnowsky's gallery in Berlin had their opening reception today (well wait...since I haven't fallen asleep yet I still consider this Saturday). What I love and appreciate so much is that we weren't left out. To view the exhibition online go to:

I'm not familiar with Castillo's work (above), but it's kinda dope....with a creepy side to it. Does it not remind you of The Stangers??...I'm a little scared now = {
Below you have Miss Van....she's loved over here by us beLLas!!!

The pic above is a clock....I don't know if it's because it's late at night, but this reminds me of that old scary movie that people never know what I'm talking about...Dolls.
Check out the rest of their work!
beLLa LUV,
sheLL beLL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that movie Shells. It was so scary! You're right, that picture does kinda remind me of the movie.