So first Friday Randi and I went to go rock out with Kid Sister and friends. What a SHOW!

Please please please don't sleep on her folks!
Okay now I don't have the best of my bad on this...BUT fucking Fafi was in the building! She is my graffiti super hero! Here is a blur of her rocking out in her MTTM tee.

LOL! Someone please buy me a cam!...okay lets see if this one is better
:( ....I swear that is her!
Saturday I went over to see what was up with the ladies at the Kendo dunk exchange...the weather was warm and the ladies did what the ladies do best shop and take pics
Busy Lady Liz from The Goods

DMPC!! Get ready ladies next batch coming soon!!
After that fun in the sun I went to check on Randi...she was hard at work on a shoot.

Justin hard at work
Then Randi put her behind the cam eye to the test...I seen the pics...she got an A

Shelly was staying busy as well but no pics of her shopping spree...
Had a lovely time this weekend danced my ass off, hung with all the cool kids and got a couple new tees!
Bella Love,
Erlinda Denise