Tuesday, October 2, 2007

MaRRr-CUS......say it with me...MaRRRR-cuSSSS

Not sure where it's coming from...the wrinkles & the smile, or is it in the eyes??...but I'm seeing Eartha Kitt!! Why is Tisha aka Gina looking sooo freakin old?! The sh!t made me laugh a lil.....well after I studied the flick for a sec.....hope this made u laugh like I did = }~

Off to watch Boomerang............luvin Marrr-cuss....beLLaBEout!!


ps....u know I'm using my Eartha Kitt voice......purrrrrrr~

1 comment:

Landon said...

She looks hella bad...and ain't he gay? But with those looks, that is all she can hope for.