This is from the daytime Emmy's this past weekend. I didn't post it sooner, because I had no idea what to say............I still don't. I would love to give some cute, contructive tip on how to fix the little detail which made this awful. But, that little detail is not so little at all. It's more of a complete, all emcompassing flub. Besides looking like a giant bowl of monochromatic oatmeal, she's doing it in a really bad, lace front wig (in an even worse color).
Please don't misunderstand, I LOOOOOOOVVVE me some Tyra "smile with your eyes" Banks! She beautiful, and smart, business savvy and an inspiration to women with "real" bodies. But man if she didn't miss the mark with this one.
Ms. Tyra,
Next time, forget the eyes; SMILE WITH YOUR OUTFIT.
Randi Astrid
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