Friday, July 6, 2007

Dear, Rihanna

dear rihanna,
it is sad to say, but.............why are you dressed liked that?! don't you just want to be you???.....and if this really is you- get a new Stylist, matter of fact, call US! There are certain events where you look fine, but it's mainly your daytime look...kinda scary (are we wearing this much eyeliner when the sun is up now?). I know people are still trying to hold on to the 80's, but punk is what u're not!!! Ok...maybe Beyonce had an input on the new look...rumors of you & Jay must of gotten to her (let me laugh at that)...kidding- just wanted to be ugly for a sec.
But for real, for real- this "Good Girl Gone Bad" is all wrong! You're too pretty and remember, or maybe I'll say let me give you a piece of advice: It's best to look innocent & shock their ass when u're capable of doing that dirty/evil shit!!!!

u've just been BEAT!!!


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