Wednesday, July 11, 2007

DimePiece......I see you!

When I saw this myspace page pop up on sweet Laura and Ashley’s page I knew shit was about to go down! DIME PIECE is coming to a store near you ladies and I am first in line when they hit the streets! I am mean who can resist a brand that believes “Pussy appeal is a natural force that all females control”

Any woman that doesn’t have a problem using the word pussy is #1 in my book, and what I have seen so far is backing it all up…here is a sneak peek of what I was able to get a hold of…. enjoy and stay posted for the official Summer 07 release.

"A DimePiece™ is a woman who appeals to her audience with genuine swag. She is a self-governing revolutionary who embodies all that is sexy. She proclaims her opinion and attitude through her adventurous dress. She is educated by the books as well as the streets."

Bella Love,
Erlinda Denise

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